The first SwingML Beta 1.0 version is out. This new version is released under
GNU General Lesser Public License and has many additions and improvements to the
previous Alfa version.
This version contains support for the following JFC Swing components, Listeners, Layouts and features:
JPanel, JTextField, JLabel, JButton, JTabbedPane, JInternalFrame, JTree, JTable, JList, JComboBox,
JDialog, JCheckBox, JTextArea, JSplitPane, JOptionPane, JRadioButton, ActionListener, DocumentListener,
FocusListener, ItemListener, ListSelectionListener, GridLayout, FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridBagLayout,
ToolTips, Icons, Debugging Messages, Multiple Look and Feels, POST and GET operations.
SwingML has been built entirely around an object oriented architecture and provides a
flexible framework that can be extended to support custom
made JFC Swing components or any other necessary feature. The SwingML specification is very simple and easy
to understand and doesn't require any learning curve for developers with basic JFC Swing knowledge.
The SwingML Renderer applet is only 119 KB and can be installed in a few minutes.
What's coming next?
The future efforts will be directed to provide support for a custom scripting mechanism, more JFC Swing
components and improvements in general.